7 Shows @ Lakhi Palace, Tanda (Punjab) on 17- 23 January, 2020
Film Show Details:
Venue: Lakhi Palace, CarnivaL Cinema, Tanda (Punjab)
Cinema Hall Capacity: 139 seats
Net Audience Count: 750+
Net New Seekers Count: 740+
Show Timing: 10:30 am each day
About 6 Sahji Volunteers arranged the show and even school going students, Teachers
were given Self Realization!
The film show minute details as furnished by our Sahji Brother Sukhbinder Singh are as follows:
Film Show Details:
Venue: Lakhi Palace, CarnivaL Cinema, Tanda (Punjab)
Cinema Hall Capacity: 139 seats
Net Audience Count: 750+
Net New Seekers Count: 740+
Show Timing: 10:30 am each day
About 6 Sahji Volunteers arranged the show and even school going students, Teachers
were given Self Realization!
The film show minute details as furnished by our Sahji Brother Sukhbinder Singh are as follows:
- Day 1: 105 School Going Children + 20 People
- Day 2: HOUSEFULL SHOW with School going children in majority
- Day 3: 71 people watched the film show
- Day 4: 129 Students + 4 Teachers
- Day 5: HOUSEFULL SHOW with 130 Students + 9 Teachers
- Day 6: HOUSEFULL SHOW with 109 Students + 30 Adults
- Day 7: 86 New seekers watched the film & received their Self-Realization